Saturday, February 3, 2007

Roman Numerals

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. A great day for all. Sorry, for most. The first Super Bowl I can remember pitted the Redskins agains the Raiders in Super Bowl 18. I was 6 years old. The Roman numerals after "Super Bowl" were quite intimidating. While I still can't make sense of the mix of X's, L's and I's, I am catching up to the big game. In no time, I'll have just as many letters after my name. Howie XXX is just around the corner. Actually, as I type that, I realize I have stumbled upon the best thing about turning 30...

World - Get ready for Howie XXX.


Dan Hanzus said...

Actually, as I type that, I realize I have stumbled upon the best thing about turning 30...

This is a good line.

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