Saturday, May 5, 2007

My sincere apologies

To all of my fan(s)-

First, please let me say I am very sorry for my extremely long (and unacceptable) hiatus from this blog. I wish I had better excuses than finals and general business, but I do not. And, for that, I am very sorry. I cannot promise to write daily, but I can pledge to do my best to update more regularly.

So, where are we today? The big day is now exactly 2 months way. Craziness. I am still searching for a locale (and a date) for my "bash." If anyone has some suggestions for a large, outdoor location for a summer birthday party in NYC, please send them along (via the comments section).

The Yanks are certainly struggling in this young season. Injuries have really hurt us, but the weak bullpen certainly hasn't helped.

As some of you may know, this week I finished my first year of business school. I can honestly say this year exceeded my expectations in every way. Initially, I doubted my decision to go to back to school. I wondered if I was too old. I thought the 2 years with no salary and ridiculous amounts of debt did not justify the end result. And, plain and simple, I wondered whether more school was right for me. However, I am so happy that I decided to go back. I have made friends from all over the world. I was able to go to Israel with 11 other students that I can now call friends (more about Israel to come in a future post). I took 30+ students to their first ever game at Yankee Stadium. And, between all of this, I was able to learn a little and get a summer job I am very excited about (more to come on that also).

So, I hope that brings everyone up to speed. I hope to post much more regularly in the near future. And, by "much more regularly," I mean at least weekly.

Before I sign off, I just want to point out that a mid-week trip to Atlantic City this Wednesday cost me more than I have ever lost gambling. By a ton. I am officially off of Texas Hold 'Em for the next seven days.

Once again, I am sorry for such a long break. More to come...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Writer's Block?

In my storied career as a blogger (nearly two months), I have yet to come across a case of writer's block like the one I have struggled with over the past seven days. I guess the creative juices have their own ebb and flow. Or, my left brain is tired and sore.

This past Saturday, I had to defend my very existence as a blogger. Both friends claimed the internet to be a place for children and those looking for children. I believe my counter argument was compelling, though I can't be sure as I was many beers into a very long day/night.

The next day, my family and I celebrated my father's 59th birthday. This year, when I hit the 3-0, I will for the first time be more than half of my father's age. What do I have to look forward to? In 2037, will I constantly tell my son how great Derek Jeter was and how all of the contemporary music sucks? Only time will tell...

Before I end this post of nothingness, I understand there are a few new readers to this blog, bringing the total up near 3. I would just like to welcome you all.

This weekend will include a stay in one of New York City's finest hotels and dinner at one of our trendier restaurants. I hope to share details shortly.

In the words of Johnny Drama, "Victory!!!"

Thursday, February 15, 2007


All (or should I say "Few")-

I'm sorry to have left you for a few days. I wish I had an excuse, but I don't. It would be one thing if I wasn't falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon as I watch Mike and the Mad Dog sans Mike. But, that's exactly how I spent my Thursday afternoon. That's right. I was not at the gym, but was rather dozing in and out of sleep with Chris Russo debating the merits of giving Mariano Rivera a contract extension filling my subconscious.

Not much else to report on this front. Personally, as much as I love Mo, I don't believe the Yanks should give a 37-year old relief pitcher a big contract extension. Let's wait to November for that. I like the way the Yanks are moving. I wouldn't label them the favorite to win the World Series, but I think they stack up just fine with any other team. As usual, it will come down to their starting pitching.

If I need to need to refer to my rapidly disappearing youth, I will point out that as I type I am watching Mr. Baseball with Tom Selleck. Takes me back to the Summer I spent in Japan 9 years ago. 9. Insane. My Junior year in college. 9 long years ago. I could have finished college twice between then and now. How have I chosen to deal with this? By trying college again, of course.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Once again...

Let's flash back to January 27th (all you really need to do is scroll down). That was a day that I lost to the drinks I consumed the night before. Today suffered the same fate (that is, if you consider napping for 4 hours at my girlfriend's parents' house a wasted day). So, how will I respond to my frustration of losing a precious Saturday afternoon? By doing it all over again tonight, of course. Anything to try to reclaim the youth that I am losing.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

To the one of you that will read this...

Hello All-

I have finally settled an internal debate that I had been having with myself. So, today will mark my first post that is not related to turning the big 3-0. I need to update 6Mto30 more often and I could not possibly continue to write about the day that is approaching me faster than my roommate moving towards a drunk girl at Jake's Dilemma. The only problem is, I can't think of anything to write about. Here are my options:

- The diaper wearing murdering astronaut - played out.
- Penn Quaker basketball - might alienate the only reader I have (you know who you are).
- Global Warming - might not be too convincing these days considering it's 4 degrees in NYC and the Chicago River is frozen over.

So, I am left with very little. Is this what it's like to turn old? God knows I tune out my father and his rambling (just kidding, Marv). But, maybe as I age, I become less and less relevant - and more and more out of touch. One more to add to the list...

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Roman Numerals

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. A great day for all. Sorry, for most. The first Super Bowl I can remember pitted the Redskins agains the Raiders in Super Bowl 18. I was 6 years old. The Roman numerals after "Super Bowl" were quite intimidating. While I still can't make sense of the mix of X's, L's and I's, I am catching up to the big game. In no time, I'll have just as many letters after my name. Howie XXX is just around the corner. Actually, as I type that, I realize I have stumbled upon the best thing about turning 30...

World - Get ready for Howie XXX.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Getting close to 5 months...

The countdown to 30 is officially on. My friends are falling like flies. This is worse than when they started getting engaged and married. One by one... we are all falling. It will be my time before you know it. It just dawned on me that I am currently living through my last winter under that age. To think, the next snow I see could be my last...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I am hung-ooooovah

6 beers and 2 free kamikaze shots = 1 nasty hangover. 10 years ago, it was breakfast. Now, it's enough to cost me an entire day. Being almost 30 sucks.

Friday, January 5, 2007

The Countdown Begins...

Six months from today, I will be turning the big 3-0. Not fun. The opposite of good times. Details to follow...