Thursday, February 15, 2007


All (or should I say "Few")-

I'm sorry to have left you for a few days. I wish I had an excuse, but I don't. It would be one thing if I wasn't falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon as I watch Mike and the Mad Dog sans Mike. But, that's exactly how I spent my Thursday afternoon. That's right. I was not at the gym, but was rather dozing in and out of sleep with Chris Russo debating the merits of giving Mariano Rivera a contract extension filling my subconscious.

Not much else to report on this front. Personally, as much as I love Mo, I don't believe the Yanks should give a 37-year old relief pitcher a big contract extension. Let's wait to November for that. I like the way the Yanks are moving. I wouldn't label them the favorite to win the World Series, but I think they stack up just fine with any other team. As usual, it will come down to their starting pitching.

If I need to need to refer to my rapidly disappearing youth, I will point out that as I type I am watching Mr. Baseball with Tom Selleck. Takes me back to the Summer I spent in Japan 9 years ago. 9. Insane. My Junior year in college. 9 long years ago. I could have finished college twice between then and now. How have I chosen to deal with this? By trying college again, of course.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You certainly nap quite a bit!