Thursday, February 22, 2007

Writer's Block?

In my storied career as a blogger (nearly two months), I have yet to come across a case of writer's block like the one I have struggled with over the past seven days. I guess the creative juices have their own ebb and flow. Or, my left brain is tired and sore.

This past Saturday, I had to defend my very existence as a blogger. Both friends claimed the internet to be a place for children and those looking for children. I believe my counter argument was compelling, though I can't be sure as I was many beers into a very long day/night.

The next day, my family and I celebrated my father's 59th birthday. This year, when I hit the 3-0, I will for the first time be more than half of my father's age. What do I have to look forward to? In 2037, will I constantly tell my son how great Derek Jeter was and how all of the contemporary music sucks? Only time will tell...

Before I end this post of nothingness, I understand there are a few new readers to this blog, bringing the total up near 3. I would just like to welcome you all.

This weekend will include a stay in one of New York City's finest hotels and dinner at one of our trendier restaurants. I hope to share details shortly.

In the words of Johnny Drama, "Victory!!!"


Anonymous said...

Hey Howie, your fans want more from you...where have you been?

Anonymous said...

When my boyfriend left me for another woman all I could think about was getting him back. I was not out of the closet to my family and had lived a straight lifestyle my entire life until recently. My boyfriend cheated on me and moved out of my house when I was away at work. I came home to a letter that didn't even make sense. I had a love spell cast by and within three (3) days he was at my doorstep once again. I was so relieved!! Him coming back to me gave me the strength to tell my family about us and the time we spent apart really brought us closer together than we ever have been! I highly recommend his love spells because they work very well!